Thursday, December 25, 2008
Education - Pursuing an Online Degree
If you want to earn an associates, bachelors, masters, doctorate
degree, or certificate or even just improve your work skills, an
online degree program may be for you. These programs are a prime
option for those who cannot attend traditional classes for
whatever reason. Maybe you have a substantial career and simply
do not have the time, or maybe you are a working mother with
childcare issues that prevent you from being able to do so.
Those who are disabled, retired, or live in a rural area may
find it difficult to commute for classes also can benefit from
these programs. Degree programs online solve all of the problems
of these people and many others who wish to take higher learning
courses but cannot for one reason or another.
There are some personal characteristics that you will find will
further your success in an online degree program. First, you
must be committed to your goal of an online degree or
certificate. Just because you are taking a course online does
not mean it will be any easier than a traditional course. On the
contrary, many online courses are more challenging than
traditional courses.
Besides being committed, it will also help if you are a highly
motivated person. There will be many times when you are alone
and had rather just watch television, go to sleep, or go out
instead of working on your courses. It is also difficult because
you will not have any other students of professors to turn to in
case of questions or for advice and feedback. An online degree
program will make it necessary for you to motivate yourself and
make yourself work even when you do not want to.
It will help your cause a great deal if you are organized and
disciplined. When enrolled in an online program you will have to
make yourself complete assignments and study for tests and
exams, and therefore you will have to schedule your time
accordingly. It will also help if you are able to teach
yourself. You will be planning and scheduling much of the course
load yourself.
The most important thing you will need to begin an online degree
program is access to a computer that is able to meet certain
requirements, whether it is at home, work, or elsewhere. It will
help make things easier on you if you don't mind sitting in
front of a computer working, often times for a couple of hours a
While none of these (except Internet access) is required to
begin an online degree program, they will certainly help you
become more successful. If you are able to manage your time and
make disciplined to work, study, and finish assignments, you
will succeed at the program and have an online degree in no time.
For more information about an online degree, visit and
Article Source: Pursuing an Online Degree
Health - Anti Aging Tips For Everybody
You can hide the effects of aging by using any among a number of creams and lotions that are designed just for that purpose. These creams work for a while, at least, softening the lines on your face and fading the wrinkles. When they no longer function the way you want them to, you can then move on to something more advanced, like weight loss surgery. But like all kinds of surgery, you need to know that it involves a huge financial burden.
You might be surprised how many people there are who still harbor thoughts of living longer than even 200 years old. Millions, I dare say. This is why anti aging has such a strong backing and a cult following. Products are bought off of the racks in hordes, and all the processes are being tried out as they evolve. Some people even offer themselves for experimentation despite the possibility of things going wrong.
With all the pollution in the world, and all the diseases that keep springing up night and day, mortality rates all over the world ordinarily should be on the rise, and less people should live to see older years. But not so. The advent of anti aging has brought hope and extended life to as many as will believe.
There a lots of coping skills for resiliently handling change and stress in anti aging. They are in fact the first hurdle you must overcome before you get to the point of taking drugs and being pricked by needles.
Alternative medicine is helpful in life extension. It has been found to hold secrets that are long forgotten and neglected by traditional means which yet help you to maintain and retain good health, thus prolonging life.
The Life Extension Foundation of the United States of America focuses on research and supplements for anti aging. Focus on anti-aging physicians and the cutting edge treatments they employ is found mainly at the American Academy of Anti-Aging Medicine. Other prominent bodies are Andrew Weil and the Chopra Center for Well-being.
Scientists and alchemists have worked together for age, trying to find ways to reverse old age. The little successes they achieved were short lived, with the potions and lotions that they came up with. So they indulged in various types of eating and drinking, and injecting various substances into their bodies. All to no avail.
While seeking knowledge of old age, the last person you want to be talking to is someone who is no older than yourself. What could they possibly tell you? You should strive to learn from someone much older, a centenarian, for instance. Someone who has not only aged well, but enjoyed it as well. You may then be able to embrace it.
This wonderful author writes about revealing resources about Creating Life Extension , or Anti Aging Resources on the website -->
Article Source: Health Articles - Free Article Directory - Write and Republish Articles
Saturday, December 20, 2008
Finance - Debt management includes watching out for hidden bank fees
Debt management includes watching out for hidden bank fees
Way back in the 1970's, using a bank was downright difficult. Banks kept strange hours; many were typically open only from 9 AM to 2 PM on weekdays, making it impossible for the average
customer to actually set foot in the place. Of course, virtually any financial transaction required interaction with a teller, and that, combined with the odd hours, made it really hard to do
business with a bank. On the other hand, fees were minimal, and transactions were straightforward. How times have changed.
Today, it's much easier to do business with a financial institution. Most are open six days a week and often are open throughout the work day. Automatic teller machines are everywhere, and you can often do business with your bank without even going near it. Unfortunately, doing so is more expensive than ever, and consumers should be aware of the numerous hidden
fees that banks charge for their services. Those who tend to have debt and money management problems should be careful, as the fees can be astronomical for those who are careless or
financially irresponsible.
It's great to use an automatic teller machine (ATM) instead of the bank. They're everywhere, they're always open, and they're easy to use. Watch out for the fees, however. If you use an ATM that is owned by a bank other than your own, you could end up being charged a fee by both banks. A $40 withdrawal from another bank's ATM could cost you a $2 fee from your institution and a $2 fee from the one that owns the ATM.
That's a 10% fee for the convenience of using another bank's system. Another fee associated with the ATM is the fee that some banks charge to transact with a teller. That's right. Banks are
so confident in their ATM system that they now expect you to use them instead of using a real human being. If you hand your deposit to a teller instead of using the ATM, you could be
charged $3-4 for the privilege.
Consumers who use a debit card, and that's just about everyone, should watch out for overdraft fees. A debit card looks like a credit card, but functions like a check, taking money out of
your account immediately. Many firms now include automatic overdraft protection on their accounts, and they will allow you to use your debit card or checking account to spend more than
you have in your account. That's a nice thing to do, but they typically charge $25 or so for this "convenience."
If you merely spent $10 more than you had in your account, the $25 fee amounts to a 250% interest rate on the short-term loan of $10. You may not even know if this is happening; your bank will not notify you when you make your purchase that you are overdrawing your account. This is quite a profitable venture for the banking industry, which took in some $10 billion in
overdraft fees in 2004.
Some banks are heavily promoting online bill payments, citing convenience. That's true, but you may be charged for the service. One major firm charges $6.95 per month for online bill
payment, and that fee applies even if you pay just one bill! It takes eighteen 37¢ stamps to make up for that fee; if you are paying fewer bills you should mail them instead.
Many of these fees are not prominently disclosed, so be sure that you read your bank statement carefully. Otherwise, you could easily end up paying $50-75 per month in service fees.
Article Source: Debt management includes watching out for hidden bank fees
Finance - Cheap Personal Loans
If you are looking for cheap personal loans then you'll probably find that secured loans from the internets top lenders will have the lowest interest rates available. The reason for this is that
when you use your home as security or collateral for cheap personal loans then the lending company is taking a lower risk lending you the money. You are taking a greater risk because if
you should fail to keep up with the agreed repayments and do not pay back the loan then you are putting your home in danger of repossession. Secured loans are approved faster but can take a
little longer to process, but this is well worth the wait when you are saving though a lower interest rate.
Cheap personal loans which are unsecured do not need to have your home as insurance against the loan and because the lending company is taking a greater perceived risk, you will probably
pay higher interest rates. Although you are taking less of a risk by not having your home as security for the loan, it is important that you make sure that you keep up with the
repayments as lenders can initiate court proceedings against you and your property if you fail to pay back the loan as agreed. An advantage of unsecured cheap personal loans is that they are
usually processed faster than secured loans so you could have the money you want sooner.
Cheap personal loans are available in varying amounts and repayment terms, depending on what the loan is needed for and your personal circumstances and requirements. Whether you want
the loan to pay for a new car, a holiday, tuition fees or to pay off outstanding debts, you will be charged an interest fee by the lender called the APR or Annual Percentage Rate. The exact
percentage you are charged will depend on the type of loan you take, secured or unsecured, the amount you wish to borrow, the length of time you need to pay back the loan and your personal
circumstances and credit history.
Comparing the APRs of cheap personal loans from different lending companies is a good way to find out which loans are the most competitive. Getting familiar with the way in which lenders
refer to interest rates will help you to make a good comparison. When a typical interest rate is quoted this is simply the average interest rate that over 50% of successful applicants
have been given and does not mean that this is the rate that you will get. If a lender quotes a set rate then this is the rate that will be offered to successful applicants regardless of
their credit status, amount of the loan or term of the loan. You may also want to take note of fixed interest rates (stay the same until the loan is paid off) and variable interest rates
(can change through the term of the loan depending on fluctuations in the bank base rate).
A further factor to consider when looking at cheap personal loans is whether or not you think you will want to pay back the loan before the agreed end date. Some lending companies charge a
redemption penalty or early settlement fee which can be up to two months interest. Since this could add a significant amount to the total cost of the loan, you may want to consider taking a
loan with a slightly higher APR but with no redemption penalty.
Article Source: Cheap Personal Loans
Tuesday, December 16, 2008
Business - Flipping Real Estate Can be Risky Business
The art of flipping property may seem like the road to quick riches, but it's anything other than that for the majority of investors. Only a small percentage of people who buy real estate
to flip it actually make a quick profit, according to a new survey.
Flipping property is the business of buying real estate, making repairs to it or playing a rapidly appreciating real estate market to make a quick profit.
Flipping real estate may be part art, part business. But in a survey of 500 of the Nation's wealthiest real estate investors only 10.4% made a profit. The survey was conducted by Real
Estate Add, an information driven real estate website.
Nearly half of all investors surveyed ended up holding on to their property for more than a year after the original purchase. Some 52% said they broke even and had to hold on to the property
for much longer than they originally intended. The remaining nearly 38% suffered a loss.
Rick and Mary Coughlin of Santa Rosa, California purchased a 3-bedroom, two-bath home, which needed repairs. The Coughlins went about getting contractors estimates for the work before
purchasing the home. Estimates ranged from $18,000 to $31,000.
The Coughlins purchased the home, which was built in the mid-1970's, budgeting $40,000 for the work with the idea that they would do a lot of the repairs themselves. However, they
encountered problems when they opened up one of the bathroom floors to find dry-rot that far exceeded their expectations.
The couple did most of the work to the home themselves, but still retained a contractor to do some of the repairs, including the bathroom, kitchen floor, kitchen counters and replacing a
wall in the livingroom.
"We had made pretty good money flipping property up until that home," said Rick. "But the profits on five other homes were going down the drain on this one. It took us five months and
three contractors to get the job done, and then by the time we sold it the place was eating us alive."
The Coughlins had a mortgage with taxes and insurance on the home of nearly $2,900 a month. Mary would paint the inside evenings after work. Rick spent evenings and mornings at the
place between work hours. The stress of turning a profit on the home seemed near impossible.
The Coughlins were successful flipping five homes before this one, making nearly $300,000 in profit over three years. But this home turned into a nightmare. One of the bedroom floors caved in when Mary was moving furniture and had to be replaced by a contractor at a cost of $17,423.00, including walls that needed to be replaced as a result of damage to the room.
The bathroom turned into a $21,000.00 project and the Coughlin's luck seemed to have run out. Including contractors fees and building supplies, the Coughlins spent $107,000. Once they sold
the house seven months after buying it in a hot California real estate market the Coughlin's were pleased to be free of the mortgage.
After all expenses and payments the Coughlins figure they were lucky, spending $131.000.00. This was their sixth flip so they had experienced success before and they were banking on these
funds to help pay off a second mortgage on their primary residence. Instead, the Coughlins suffered a loss of nearly $90,000. The home sold for $624,000.
Nearly a year after the sale on the home, Rick said that was his last flip. "You don't realize how risky it is until you hit the wrong house," he said. "We were lucky to sell that place."
The Coughlins are typical of real estate investors who take the risk to quick riches. Rick and his wife have since bought a rental home they intend to hold on to for at least 10 years to
make a substantial long term profit. Overtime pay has helped them to pay-off the second on their principal residence.
Rick's best advice to others considering a flip is to purchase property in an area where the prices are lower and hold on to "a lot of the cash."
Article Source: Flipping Real Estate Can be Risky Business
Wednesday, December 10, 2008
Business - The Secret to an Unstoppable Business: There?s Nothing to Fear
The Secret to an Unstoppable Business: There?s Nothing to Fear
?Dr. Proactive? Randy Gilbert
Fear can halt businesses like no other emotion. People of every nation in the world know this same powerful feeling. When fear is in the workplace, nothing else saps the efficiency, morale, and momentum from your organization like it.
What is the key to running an unstoppable business? "The source of innovation is a place of fearlessness where we are not trying to force things to happen," says Gayle Gregory, motivational coach, leadership consultant, and co-author of the book "The Grand Experiment: An Expedition of Self-Discovery." Gregory feels that the key to an unstoppable business is identifying and eliminating the fears present in the minds of its employees.
There are seven fears fundamental to the human psyche that Gregory has identified. These fears show up everywhere from personal choices to business activities. Although a person might not be aware of a fear are on a conscious level, it still has a marked effect upon the worker?s ability to innovate, communicate, and be efficient. Everyone in the workplace, from executives and managers to entry-level interns, can find some aspect of each of the seven fears within themselves. "The seven fears are universal," Gregory observes.
Gregory believes that the world is not a scary place, but rather, an individual?s own perspective determines their fear. In fact, it is rare for two different people to feel the exact same about any given situation. Gregory challenges people to be aware of the choices they make when they?re deciding how to react. To dismantle the fear of the world, be proactive by making a conscious decision to react positively to a challenge rather than in a negative manner. "The world just is," advises Gregory, "You give it meaning."
To determine the unstoppability factor of your workplace, you must first identify the fears and where they are hiding. When fear is present, employees lose passion for the work they do and find excuses to do it as little as possible or put it off. "Go out into the workplace and find out what prevents people from doing their work," Gregory says. "Why are they standing around vending machines having conversations? What are those conversations about? Its all fear based." When your employees are feeling fear instead of a passion to accomplish their work, your business is crippled and it will show with little red flags of time-wasting excuses.
Once you have identified the fears of your company, you must dismantle them. At first the process is difficult, as open discussion and admission of individual fears is necessary. However, by taking the initiative and laying the fears out to be discussed, you transform an uncomfortable necessity into a proactive game. "The only thing that holds fear in place is our unwillingness to look at it," Gregory shares, "As soon as you place your fear out on the table, it begins to dissolve and lose it?s power."
Gregory, who once held a lucrative position in a Fortune 500 company, left to explore the human condition by sailing to Mexico. Through her own introspection and spirituality, while sailing the Sea of Cortez, she realized what she learned about human fears realized had held her back. Knowing how costly fear can be in a work environment, Gayle now enjoys motivating and energizing the business world by purging their workplace fears, which she sees keeping all companies from reaching their fullest potentials.
To gain a competitive edge, your business needs to be bold and innovative. Fear prevents your company and it?s employees from using their energy to be courageous and innovative. In an enterprise where fear is present, internal conflict also often diminishes a workplace or department?s ability to function smoothly as a team.
Obviously a business that is fighting itself cannot also effectively fight its competition as well. "We?re so busy competing with each other that we forget to compete with competitors in the marketplace," warns Gregory. Fears such as thinking that there is not enough resources, time, favor, and other commodities for all tend to breed individualistic attitudes rather than team spirit. To stop this, encourage an attitude of cooperation among your employees and share rewards among many rather than granting one first prize. Employees that are afraid to share their ideas or work together cripple the overall productivity of the workplace with their fears.
Ultimately, the unstoppability of your business lies with your decision to expose fears rather than let them hide. A fear kept in the dark, no matter how small, costs your company performance ability. The emotional environment of a workplace expands exponentially the vision of what you and your enterprise can do. Even if your business achieves its goals for the future, you are settling for far less than your full potential when you do not dismantle the fears within the organization and individuals. "When you take the fear away, the automatic outcome is you energize your performance," says Gregory.
?Dr. Proactive? Randy Gilbert enjoys producing "Inside Business Success," hosted by Jan Schleicher. Get Gayle Gregory?s interview (free) by visiting: ( Gayle Gregory Learn from Gayle ( Build Team Morale and Stop Business Fear
Article Source: The Secret to an Unstoppable Business: There?s Nothing to Fear
Health - 7 Steps to a Healthy Brain
7 Steps to a Healthy Brain
Kalynn Amadio
The media is full of messages concerning physical exercise and fitness, but do you ever hear a message about effectively exercising your brain?
Preoccupation with general wellness should always include an approach to keeping a healthy brain. When you begin to forget things, the natural fear is that you could be developing Alzheimer's Disease. The reality is that most memory loss is not caused by Alzheimer's but by other causes like the medication you take, or not getting enough rest.
Don't worry! You can exercise your brain, same as your body, to effectively improve your general health and push back the aging process.
Use the 7 steps to a healthy brain outlined by Dr. Isadore Rosenfeld of Fox News Channel, to improve your general wellness.
1. Maintain "normal" range blood sugar, cholesterol and blood pressure levels.
Normal blood pressure values fall into the following categories: Less than 120 systolic and less than 80 diastolic. This would typically be phrased as 120/80.
The peak pressure that occurs within the arteries is systolic pressure. The moment of lowest pressure within those same arteries is called diastolic pressure. Pressure within the circulatory system is not fixed. It fluctuates throughout the day and as often as beat by beat of the heart.
2. Get enough sleep.
Numerous studies have been conducted on the affects of sleep deprivation. Not getting enough sleep can slow the healing of wounds because it affects the immune system.
A study on sleep deprivation conducted in 2007 found that the part of your brain that holds information for more processing is seriously affected by lack of sleep. This area of the brain called "working memory" is also responsible for your reasoning and decision making abilities.
3. Have a good breakfast every day. Include more Omega-3 and Omega-6 to your diet.
Both Omega-3 and Omega-6 are significant to brain function and lacking in the typical diet. A study has revealed that, like Alzheimer's, Parkinson's Disease may be favorably affected by large doses of Omega-3.
4. Consume more fruits and vegetables.
Vegetables and fruits have necessary minerals, fiber and vitamins crucial to good health. Eating more from this food group is known to slash the risk of certain cancers, stroke and cardiovascular disease.
5. Keep socially active. Spend time doing puzzles like sudoku and crosswords; read a newspaper, magazine or book daily.
The British Association Festival of Science reported that seniors who engaged in crosswords and sukodu puzzles could help keep the brain nearly 14 years younger.
Reading exposes you to different ideas and concepts. Whether aware of it or not, your brain will use those concepts to view the world and begin making new connections which stimulates brain health.
6. Avoid drinking too much alcohol.
Excessive alcohol consumption affects abstract thinking, concept shifting and difficult memory tasks as evidenced by alcoholics in treatment, even though their overall IQ does not decrease. Even moderate alcohol consumption could shrink the brain which impairs cognitive functions.
7. Physical exercise every day for a minimum of 30 minutes.
Exercise fuels growth of blood vessels connected to the brain and new brain cells. This adds to mental alertness, especially if you are over 60.
Both the Department of Agriculture and the Department of Health and Human Services point out that a minimum of 30 minutes physical exercise daily is needed to reduce the risk of falling prey to chronic diseases.
As the medical community increases your ability to live longer you will have to give more emphasis to brain health and exercise. Maintain your brain just as much as our bodies to enjoy a long, healthy and happy life.
Follow the 7 Ways to a More Healthy Brain as part of your regular physical fitness routine. You will feel healthy, more intelligent and productive. Now who wouldn't want all that?
A fit brain starts with a healthy workout that engages the brain. For the greatest way to achieve this, visit Kalynn Amadio's website ( Taekwondo-Network for excellent information on why martial arts is that two-in-one workout you need for a healthy body and mind.
Article Source: 7 Steps to a Healthy Brain
Finance - Forex Trading Information: Beware of Frauds
You may have been solicited to trade "foreign exchange
contracts" or "forex". For new traders this forex trading
information is critical in starting off your trading career
on a clean slate. Frauds are infiltrating the forex trading
grounds and it is critical to your success to be aware of the
frauds that abound the markets. Be aware of these frauds being
perpetrated in the financial markets to safeguard your forex
trading. So when you consider and shop around for a forex broker
be sure that this forex trading information serves you well.
There has been a boom in the financial industry in the last few
years and the numbers and complexities of financial investment
opportunities are growing exponentially. And along with this
explosive growth, so are the scams associated with the forex
currency trading. But also be aware that along the lines of the
forex trading information that you come across that many
forex trading firms are also legitimate - it is those companies
that are defrauding traders that you should be cautious about.
As a budding trader you are vulnerable to the fact that these
companies attract customers through the normal routes of
communication: advertisements in the paper, radio or internet.
The advertisements will almost always tout forex trading
information results claiming high return, low risk investment
opportunities in the forex trading arena. Of course as anything,
you should be always aware and skeptical if anyone offers you
high profits with minimal risks. There is no such thing in any
market. High returns and high risk always go hand in hand. Be
wary, if the firms promote their services as such.
When you are shopping for a forex broker be sure that you follow
up and request and research forex trading information about the
company: Are they registered with your government's regulatory
body? Are they certified and registered to be a securities
dealer or broker? Thye may also be a subsidiary of a bank or an
insurance firm - always ask before you sign the dotted line.
After checking if the company is registered and certified to act
as your broker and dealer in foreign currency exchange you
should be wary of the following warning signs of fraud. As you
delve into your forex trading information research as well as
researching your other investment opportunities always be wary
of those that sound too good to be true. There is no such thing
as a free lunch. Avoid companies that claim to guarantee profits
as in many cases those claims of massive profits are untrue and
only serve to attract the greedy. Also any promise or guarantee
with little or no financial risk would truly raise a few
eyebrows of some professional traders. There is always risk in
every trade - most of the time it is up to the trader to limit
that risk, risk reduction rarely is the job of the broker
(although they do provide risk reduction vehicles that traders
can use).
As you can see simply signing up to a service and trading is not
an easy path. You must research your forex trading information
regarding your chosen provider before actually beginning to
trade. You must also understand what margin trading encompasses;
it loosely means that with a small deposit you can control far
larger amounts of money. You must fully understand the concept
and be prepared for any losses that may occur. Also be wary of
companies that claim you can or should trade the 'interbank
market'. The term refers to a loose network of currency
transactions negotiated between financial institutions and large
If you're still reading that means you are really dedicated in
your forex trading information research. Which also means that
you don't take this issue lightly and you are VERY serious in
succeeding in your forex trading. That's good! You are being
very thorough. So we shall keep running down the list of stuff
you should check before signing up to the forex provider. Be
cautious of sending or transferring cash on the internet or
mail. Take not of where the company is located and their
accreditations. Be warned that once the fiund transfer has
occurred it is very difficult or impossible to recover your
invested funds. Be especially cautious with companies who don't
disclose information about themselves as well as their
background. There is no reason for legitimate forex dealers to
hide behind smoke and mirrors.
So remember, when a forex dealing company advertises their
services or solicits their services to you always be wary of
high pressure tactics asking you to join up and participate in
their services. Be skeptical about offshore companies vying for
your business and avoid companies guaranteeing any returns or no
risk. Researching forex trading information takes a lot of
dedication, but with a little due diligence and patience, you
will surely succeed. Good Luck!
This article "Forex Trading
Information: Beware of Frauds" can be found in our Foreign Exchange (FX) Markets category.
Article Source: Forex Trading Information: Beware of Frauds
Finance - Forex Trading Strategies
The world of trading and investment can be as frustrating as it
can be rewarding! And FOREX (Foreign Exchange) is no exception -
often described as risky, profitable and complicated.
Forex is the largest trading market in the world.
Forex is the worldwide market for buying and selling currencies.
These markets were developed to cater for the supply and demand
of different currencies by governments, companies and
individuals - for international trade and assisting importers
and exporters. Therefore those who trade in this market include
consumers, businesses, investors, speculators and the banking
Different countries use different currencies - which vary in
their values against each other. Forex trading invovles the
buying and selling of two currencies - trading pairs - you are
selling one and buying another eg you may use the US dollar to
purchase British pounds - if the supply of the pound lessens -
it will cost more dollars to buy pounds - the Forex trader hopes
to sell their pounds at a higher price than the purchase price.
A speculator in Forex is someone who accepts the possibility of
adverse exchange-rate movements in the hope of making a profit
from favourable movements in currency.
As a speculator you should always start trading with a small
amount and have a trading system - which tells you when to get
in and out of the market. It is a favourite option for currency
traders as you can trade the Forex market 24 hours per day and
the transaction costs are minimal.
This market - because of its sheer size - is hard to be
manipulated - which stocks can be - it is more likely to be
influenced by global news or events. Hence, the opportunity for
'insider trading' is eliminated.
However - beware -Forex brokers estimate that 90% of traders
lose their money; 5% break even and only 5% achieve profitable
Article Source: Forex Trading Strategies
Sunday, December 7, 2008
Health - Signs Of Acid Reflux To Look Out For
Signs Of Acid Reflux To Look Out For
Frank Robson
Most of us are aware of the usual problems of acid reflux, but it may take the doctor to do some testing to determine if there could be an organic problem causing it. If there is no change after altering diets and lifestyle, the doctor may suggest one of the following procedures to determine the cause.
These procedures are basically invasive procedures, in that they involve inserting tubes into your food pipe, and observing, obtaining and analyzing your data over a fixed period of time.
The 24-Hour Esophageal Ph Test, and the 48-Hour Bravo Esophageal pH test, recommended by the Cleveland Clinic Foundation involve the insertion of a tube through your nose that is pushed way down so as to be near the Esophageal Sphincter muscle, the kingpin in this Acid Reflux Saga. .
This small tube with its acid monitoring device on the end passes gently through the nose, down the food tube or esophagus and stops about 2 inches above the lower esophageal sphincter. The tube is then taped to the side of your face with the end coming from your nose attached to a portable recorder worn on a belt or on the shoulder. This recorder has buttons to let you record certain conditions.
You then follow certain food and medication restrictions prior to testing. During the test which lasts 24 hours, you avoid showers but record mealtimes and foods as well as resting times. Certain symptoms can be recorded on the recorder by pressing the appropriate buttons. A nurse will remove the recorder at the end of the time and the information is downloaded into a computer for a doctor to review and begin your treatment.
The Esophageal Manometry Test is less traumatic, time wise, and consists of inserting a tiny, pressure-sensitive tube through your nose - or sometimes your mouth , into your esophagus. There, it measures the effects of muscle contractions as you swallow. This tells the doctor about how well your muscles involved in the digestion process, function.
An x- ray or endoscope may also help your doctor to see if there could be an obstruction that is impeding digestion. This works by observing with a scope light.
Once the doctor has confirmed that there is no physiological cause of your Acid Reflux, like narrowing of the food pipe, scarring of the food pipe, or an undefined suspicious growth where one should not exist, it is time to start thinking of medications and long-term lifestyle issues.
Is acid reflux keeping you up at night? Are you sick of watching what you eat at restaurants?Find out more about a simple ( cure for acid reflux that can help you get rid of your stomach pain for good. Visit ( for more info
Article Source: Signs Of Acid Reflux To Look Out For
Business - How To maximise The Advertising With Minumum Cost Or No Cost
Advertising had long since been a major determinant of a
business' success. This would include the presentation of the
product / service to the consumers. What really matters is how
it is presented to the target market to be able to capture it.
Whatever the package, the ad media also plays a great role in
determining the success of the product or service awareness.
What may be its advantages over other proven medium like the
best-selling TV ads?
1. Low Cost
Eventhough the Internet ad might be viewed as "classy" or
far-reaching, as compared to other medium, this is far cheaper
than most. Internet Ad Packages are offered for as low as $29.99
for a one-month run-time period.
2. Capture market
Should your product / service aim to cater to the younger
generation or the corporate-oriented ones, Internet ad would be
best since they would always be "hooked-up" into the net surfing
sites that might have a link to your very own. Result, a great
number of "hits" on your site!
2. Hassle free
All you would ever really need is a PC (and some knowledge and
bright ideas in forming your site) wherein you could open your
site, search for the best Internet Ad package, and check /
update the status of your ad. You may actually never have to
leave your home to advertise!
3. Updated ads
Unlike the TV ads that need to be updated on a regular basis,
Internet ads may run for quite some time without the need for
change. If so, change in the site is very minimal and may be
done easily at home.
1. Scope Limited market may be captured if one would solely use
the Internet Ad for advertising. Although most people now are
into the use of technology, i.e. surfing the Internet, still,
majority of the average consumers still relies on the old form
of advertising as a means of gathering information about certain
products / service.
2. Additional cost
If one would enlist the help of another professional or
establishment to produce the site for their product or service,
this would entail additional costs on the part of the
Given the stated list of advantages and disadvantages about
low-coast Internet Ad, an entrepreneur may now weigh in its
applicability to his / her product or service.
The aim of Internet ad is to offer the widest range or "Maximum
Exposure" of the brand at the least possible cost. Now, does
that not sound good or what?
Article Source: How To maximise The Advertising With Minumum Cost Or No Cost
Business - Managing Your Business In A Recession
Are you worried about the impact of the economy on your business? This article gives you advice to protect your business, including a review of William B. Conerly’s book, “Businomics,” and a discussion of his advice on managing a business during a recession.
Good business planning includes the development of a plan for how your business will survive adverse impacts over the short term and the long term. This type of planning is often called your business continuity plan (BCP).
Why do you need a BCP? According to Ken Doughty, editor of “Business Continuity Planning: Protecting Your Organization’s Life,” many companies are required to create a BCP to comply with federal law, which protects the interests of clients and shareholders. If you need help with constructing a plan, you can visit the web site of the U.S. Small Business Administration or Homeland Security’s If you already have a BCP, it should include a component for anticipating economic slumps.
William B. Conerly, Ph.D., explains how to anticipate economic slumps in “Businomics.” Published in 2007 by Platinum Press, this resource is available at book retailers like Barnes and Noble. Business owners and managers should consult this text for great advice on business planning and understanding the relationship between their business and the cycles of the economy. Conerly’s book is especially relevant in times of economic downturn. Business owners can especially benefit from Chapters 3, 5, 6, and 10.
A professional economist and business consultant, William B. Conerly, explains that your business plan can function as an early warning system. Consider this example:
“When the early warning system begins to flash a warning, review and update the contingency plan, and…limit new hires to vital positions, reduce or eliminate capital spending plans, monitor inventories closely, [and] set up credit lines if possible.”
You may be thinking that Conerly’s advice is not relevant to your business. However, it helps to look at your business in the bigger picture. Medium and large businesses can implement a hiring freeze and only replace the most important employees. If you are the sole employee and are thinking about outsourcing work or taking on an employee, a recessed economy does not present the best environment for such a move.
Another thing to think about is your own workload if you are a one-person operation. If you are already working a full workweek to meet your obligations, the uncertain economy suggests that you hold off on expanding operations. For example, if you own a lawn business, you don’t want to take on too many new accounts. You can pad your business with a few extra clients in case you lose some clients during a recession. If you lose a significant number of clients, use your free time to go out and use in-person marketing to obtain new clients.
The second component of Conerly’s advice is to trim down capital spending. In larger businesses, this advice refers to major spending on assets such as property and expensive equipment. In a smaller business, this advice refers to any spending that you are doing to reinvest in your business. In the lawn business example, it might mean holding off on buying an extra lawnmower or a new trailer for your truck.
Conerly’s third suggestion is to regulate your inventory closely. For inventory-based companies, it may mean keeping less stock in your warehouse. Companies that do not deliver products may not have a large inventory. However, they have other types of inventory such as technology, equipment, furniture, and office supplies that should be safeguarded. For example, if you have several employees, keep on only the people you can trust. If employees are stealing or wasting supplies, it is advisable to discipline them or terminate them. Small costs can have a minor impact on your business. In a recessed economy when revenues are down, minor impacts can become major impacts.
Conerly’s final recommendation is to establish lines of credit if possible. Some businesses already use loans or credit cards to support their business. Here is a word of caution. When you look at how much you will borrow to tide your business over, don’t borrow so much that you can’t make your minimum payments when business slows down substantially. Overextending your debts is a common reason why businesses go belly up.
Protecting your business is important for its long-term health. Be sure that you update your business continuity plan, and use cost-saving measures to protect your livelihood.
Article Source: Managing Your Business In A Recession
Sunday, November 30, 2008
Computer - Causes Of Data Loss And Storage Devices Damage
There are a number of conditions that can cause a storage device failure and they include heat, water, impacts and power interruptions. Other causes can be viruses.
Heat damage will usually be caused by fire but in the case of electronic devices and storage media, overheated equipment is the cause in most cases. For instance, in room with an ambient temperature that is too high, the air cushion thickness will be reduced by the air pressure. The hard drive heads might touch the recording plate and data will be damaged or lost.
In the case of hard drives, this kind of damage can also be caused by physical shocks or high vibration levels.
Most drives, but not all, have a seal that goes around the sides of the drive. If the seal is broken, the drive if prone to environmental contamination. The air is not very clean and with a damaged seal, particles from the air can grind the recording plate generating corruption or lost data.
If a hard drive is wet, water damage can occur even if it is turned off. Water is corrosive and will damage the metals found inside the hard drive generating microscopic pitting.
Data recovery specialists have both the required skills and the resources to perform a successful data recovery operation. This ensures a good chance that if you experience any data loss you can recover the data, be it sentimental data or business related information. The best advice is to keep a backup of the data that is important to you, this way you can avoid the expense of data recovery. If a backup is not available, expert services provided by data recovery specialists is a must.
Author Info:
Unirecovery Data Recovery specialists will provide a great recuperation success rate and are probably the best Data Recovery London service, Data Recovery professionals are waiting to help you.
Finance - Bankruptcy Best Bet?
However, bankruptcy leaves you with a bad record. This makes it harder to buy a house, a car, or any other big-ticket item soon after you have filed for bankruptcy. Mortgage lenders will certainly be more cautious before granting a loan to someone with a history of bankruptcy.
Luckily, there are other choices.
Debt Consolidation
It seems like every other TV commercial is talking about debt consolidation. Why? Well, it's a big market and many people are opting for debt consolidation before taking the plunge into bankruptcy. Before you decide to take this route, you must ask yourself: Will I be able to pay all of my other bills on time and still be able to survive monthly? Failing to pay a debt consolidation loan could cause you to lose your home to a creditor. So, before you decide to consolidate your debt, make sure you can handle the payments. Know all of the facts.
Quick Tip... Shop around for a loan consolidation company. Compare interest rates and company reputation. Get as much information as you can about each potential company so that you will receive the most manageable payment.
Another option is to make a settlement. If possible, it is best to try and pay off your debt in full or to make an arrangement for payments with the creditor. Do not borrow money to pay off your debts. For most people, this only leads them deeper into debt.
Credit Counseling
Credit counseling agencies will contact your creditors and make new payment arrangements on your behalf. Most of them are able to get your interest rate lowered or even have your interest payments stopped.
Some families have found credit counseling to be one of the best solutions for avoiding bankruptcy. It will also give you some breathing room, without creditors calling you off the hook.
However, sometimes bankruptcy is the only option. Personal bankruptcy allows people with overwhelming debt to get a fresh start. Although it will tarnish your credit rating, bankruptcy is sometimes the only choice. In this case, it is important to find a good debt settlement company. As always, researching different bankruptcy companies and options is the best thing you can do.
Author Info:
Find some interesting Bancrupcy Statistics. Alli Ross is the webmaster at the Baby Names Box
Advice - The Secrets to Loving What You Do
How was your day? Did you wake up this morning with the feeling
that you just wanted to stay in bed all day and not bother to
work again? Did your day end with you hoping it is the last day
of the week when your week has just started?
We can say that the feeling of not wanting to get up from bed is
due to some previous sleepless nights, too much activities the
day before or hangover. Being so restless after a day's work can
be due to having a hectic day or not having enough sleep at
night. Both can also be due to not being happy with what you do.
Very few people are lucky enough to immediately land on a path
to their dream job. Few people have their first jobs at their
dream company. Few even get a job that they wanted.
Of course, if one wants to be a partner at a law firm, one
doesn't just have to finish law school, pass the bar and be
hired as a partner. He or she has to work hard for several
years. But a bar passer can be fortunate if he or she is offered
a job by a reputable law firm. Many lawyers find it hard to get
a job that allows them to practice law.
So how can one be happy in their jobs? Here are some tips.
* Look for a hobby.
You may not be able to use your interests or skills in the job
in which you are currently employed, but you can always look for
other options to practice them.
If you love writing, perhaps you can be a freelance writer,
start a web log (blog) or submit your works to publishing
companies. Doing something you enjoy relieves you the stress of
doing something that doesn't catch your interest.
It could also be something that you can look forward to at the
end of each task at work, that you will be excited about
successfully finishing each assignment at work. It's like giving
you a reward for each job well done.
* Look for a challenge.
Some people don't feel like going to work because their daily
work life has been monotonous. A secretary might just have to
spend her day typing letters and receiving guests, and this can
sometimes be a dull task.
However, she can try to make herself better by learning a
different language that she can use when speaking with foreign
guests. Moreover, learning new skills can also help in getting a
promotion and a raise.
* Spend time to relax.
Many people do not really dislike their jobs, but just spend so
much time at their desk or at work that they get burnt out.
Doing a hobby, reading a book, seeing a movie, and spending time
with family and friends are good stress busters. Also, forget
your diet sometimes and just reward yourself with a scoop of ice
cream or chocolate.
Or if you really wanted to stick to your diet, just take a walk
in the park, visit places that you've never been to, do things
that you've never done, or just play with your dog. After all,
animals were proven to reduce stress levels and blood pressure.
* Change your job.
If you have tried all of the above and still feel the same,
probably, it time to change your job. Maybe, it's some of your
company's practices that don't work for you, and then transfer
to a different company but have the same job.
Or if you really like your company, but you don't like your job,
maybe you can talk to your human resources personnel about
options for transferring to a different department. Or perhaps,
you are looking opportunities for growth.
Always make research by asking the HR staff and by checking
online on how you can increase your qualifications so you can
get a promotion.
Changing jobs can be risky, especially if you are jumping to a
different field. You may initially be given a job that is below
your qualifications, be given a lower salary than what you were
previously receiving, and you will have to undergo an adjustment
process. So do this only if you are left with no other options
with your current job and company.
These are just some ways on how to love and enjoy what you do. A
famous quote says "If you find something that you love to do,
you never have to work again a single day in your life."
Article Source: The Secrets to Loving What You Do
Finance - Safety Tips for Writing a Personal Check
Safety Tips for Writing a Personal Check
William A. Gordon
If you happen to be new to check writing, then pay careful attention. While you may not think of it as a difficult task, safe check writing is something that everybody absolutely needs to do right.
Use Ink Only
Always use ink; the use of pencil puts you at a huge risk of fraud. Using lead, or even erasable ink, makes it easy for a dishonest person to alter the amount on the check. It is necessary to use a form of ink to prevent others accessing your blank check. A permanent marker is actually much better to use than a regular pen. This is particularly important to stress, since there have been episodes where common people have engaged in "check washing," wherein criminals use chemicals to remove the ink from checks so as to alter them. You can avoid this scenario altogether if you use permanent marker.
Dating and Identifying
When you first glance over a check, it may strike you as extremely complicated. However, once you have all of the information, the blanks are easy to fill in. First, you need to fill out the current date on the check. A lot of people post date checks. Did you know it is illegal? Write the correct date on every check. Once this has been accomplished, be certain to clearly write the name of the recipient on the "pay to the order of" line. Be absolutely certain you've written their complete name.
Filling in the Amount
The most important article of information on the check, of course, is the dollar value that you are assigning to it. It is required to write the amount in two places. Put this information in the dollar amount line first. The line is titled Dollars and is located below the Pay to the order of line. When you write out the amount, write it out in full, including any cents. To prevent someone from changing your numbers, you must fill out this area of the check. Afterward, you will need to print the numbers in the box to the right.
Sign the Check Properly
Once you've filled out all other areas of the check, you'll need to place your signature on the check. When signing the check, it is important to remember that your signature shouldnt vary too greatly from how you normally sign checks or documents. It should resemble your driver's license signature for a reference if need be. If exceptional care is not taken in the signing process, then your bank could very well single the check out as a potential fraud, leaving you having to answer a barrage of irritating questions about a legitimate check. Due to ever increasing check fraud and forgery, banks pay close attention to signatures and make sure they match. Finally, you have the option of filling out the "info" section of the check. Just to keep their bookkeeping organized and efficient, most people like to note what the check is for. Generally, if you give out more information, you will be in better shape.
Overall, writing a check isn't a difficult thing. It isn't something that should be taken lightly, though. Take great care to fill out each part of the check as carefully as possible, so that there won't be any chance that your check is altered. This will save you a potential headache in the future.
Bill Gordon is a contributing author for many ( check designer websites and has an extensive background in ( ordering checks online and check writing safety issues.
Article Source: Safety Tips for Writing a Personal Check
Business - A Beginners Guide To Making Money on eBay
A Beginners Guide To Making Money on eBay
Thomas Griffin
Ebay is one of the most popular auction websites that offers a range of advantages to its buyers and visitors. The first and most obvious advantage is pricing. Since eBay is operating on auction basis, it is often possible to get lower rates on certain goods, and sometimes these rates are so low that it's hard to believe. However, benefits are provided not only to buyers, but also to people who are selling items through eBay.
Getting Started
The first thing to keep in mind is that competition is "wide awake", especially in such a lucrative field as sales. So, how do you get started with your eBay business? Your first option is to get registered, provide identification details and either buy or sell a product to acquire a status of a "verified" user. Why do you need to get that status? That is because "verified" users will be able to receive feedback from other eBay users. Perhaps you won't be surprised at the usefulness of positive feedback.
Getting positive feedback is a separate issue that matters a lot if you want to make money on eBay. To receive it, you should do your best to keep buyers satisfied. So, pay attention to the accurateness of your product descriptions, adequate pricing, and accepting most convenient methods of payment, such as paypal, cheques, and money orders.
Choosing The Product
When choosing the product to sell, your first consideration will be a potential demand for it. You can check that by looking through the history of sales on eBay website and find out what categories of products are used to get the best sales. You can also browse eBay product catalogs to see what kind of products are offered for sale, what level of competition they have, and what are average prices they get sold at. Consider selling products that are not too competitive, and are harder to find yet still in demand. Selling rare products also entitles you to set higher prices on them.
Looking for A Good Supplier
Once you decide on the product to sell, you'll need to research the suppliers' market. You can consider drop shipping that is a very popular way to make money on eBay. In that case you'll need to look for a reputable wholesaler who will agree to work with you. So, you'll be placing product listings on eBay website, and taking orders form buyers. Then, you'll be redirecting those orders to the wholesaler and making sure that the buyer receives the purchase. Thus, dropshipping allows you to do without initial investment into inventory and shipping overheads.
It's better to start selling products on auction basis. Try to set as low starting price as possible, since it will encourage consumers to bid on the product.
Thomas Griffin is the founder of - The #1 eBay Dropshipper. Over 2000 resellers can't be wrong. Make money on with our ( eBay Drop Ship Reseller Program. Don't fall for scams and overpriced dropshippers. Choose only eBay certified ( Drop Shipping Companies.
Article Source: A Beginners Guide To Making Money on eBay
Finance - Forex Trading
At first glance, it may not appear that important, but you will come to appreciate the wisdom of ensuring you have all of the tools necessary to make your currency trading experience a positive one.
Work Station Location
Choosing the right place for trading is your first step. Be sure not to rush into making this decision too quickly. Do you have a spare room? How about an office? The place you choose should be a place where you can concentrate and feel comfortable.
Trading Forex at times can be very stressful, so your trading area should be a place where you can relax. Avoid setting up your trading setup in your bedroom, as this could disrupt your sleep cycle. Having the right amount of rest and sleep is as important as trading forex itself. Keep this in mind.
Trading Computer and Accessories
One of the most frustrating events for a new trader is attempting with outdated computer equipment. The following list must not be ignored in acquiring adequate computer equipment:
Minimum Hardware Requirements:
• Pentium 3
• 256 MB Ram
• 20 GB HD
• 17” Monitor
• Fast Internet Connection
• Windows 2000, XP
• Antivirus and Firewall Protection
Whether you choose a desktop or laptop computer, be sure it meets the minimum requirements for the best operating results. You’ll also want to have a comfortable chair with adequate lower-back support.
Other useful accessories include: a small calculator, a telephone to call dealing desk if needed and a notebook to be used as a trading log.
Recommended Hardware Requirements:
• Pentium 4 2.6GHZ or better
• 512 MB Ram
• 100GB HD
• 2 17”monitors or 2 19” (LCD)
• FAST Internet Connection
• Windows XP
• Antivirus and Firewall Protection
Internet Connection
When you are a day trader, you will need a stable fast internet connection, avoid internet services where frequent disconnections are the norm, for longer term traders (such as o daily chart traders), you can use a dial up connection but still preferred is a fast stable connection to the internet such as ADSL.
Toby Smitz - Daily Operations
Forex Trading
Article Source: Forex Trading: How to Setup a Solid Workstation?
Friday, November 28, 2008
Science - 5 Great Ways To Enrich Your Children's Conscience
Children are living with curiosity. They learn lots of things in
life, gifted naturally with intuition, and open toward
everything they find.
Everything seems to be interesting to them. That's why they want
to know about many things. It's indeed a sign of good
Parents need to help children develop their conscience, which
will be a great means of getting spiritual experiences. Through
these, they'll learn about self-esteem and moral values.
Of course parents want children have and familiar with good
values in life. As parents, what can you do then? Here are 5
ways you can do to enrich their conscience:
* Give good examples. What you say and do everyday reflect what
you think about the world. If you say good stuff, your children
will do the same. Children are great imitators. It's important
for you to say and do nice things anytime anywhere.
* Listen when they talk. Sometimes your children ask questions
that sound silly to adults, like "Mom, where does the sun sleep
when the night comes?" Listen to them and answer seriously, "The
sun doesn't sleep. It shines in other places in the world." By
listening, children will feel that they get respect from their
* Show happiness. Show and share all the happiness and positive
energy and thoughts with the children. If you're happy, they're
happy too. By doing this, the children will learn that life is
* Introduce them to nature. Tell them that all things happen in
the world are connected to each other and that there's a reason
for it. For example, water is needed to irrigate plants and
plants are food source for other living creatures.
* Be flexible with your rules. Children should be informed about
what they should do. However, always take notice on their
development. There will be time when they can decide what they
want to do. By being flexible with your rules, children will
stay cheerful and expressive.
Those 5 tips are actually easy to carry out. Just place yourself
as your children's parents and friends as well.
Again, remember that children are good imitators. Once you do or
say something bad, there's a great chance that they will do or
say the same.
Article Source: 5 Great Ways To Enrich Your Children's Conscience
Finance - Paypal
PayPal - The Easy Credit Card Solution for Paying
Landon McGehee
There is without any doubt or question accepting credit cards is an absolute necessity online if you intend to run an online business; we take it for granted but a great deal relies on this now. You can?t run an online business by taking checks or money orders; delays in processing the order will make it an nonviable proposition. No-one likes to wait on the Internet otherwise they would shop in a mall; caring about what your customers want is the key to success.
You need to a system to take a payment instantly to get your product or service out the door as soon as your customer orders it. Any professional company that has an e-commerce website will make sure that every type of payment system is in place including the ability to accept credit cards online; these sites aim to please their customers by accepting payment at any time of the day. If you don?t take payments this way then you should inquire about having the option of online payments available as soon as you can.
There are now quite a number of methods of accepting credit cards online; this decision is often based on how much a company is willing to spend to run it. Because it is possible to use more than one method to accept credit cards online, many larger internet businesses use more than one system to attract additional customers.
Using Paypal
Often the traditional systems or ( procedure of applying credit can be expensive and out of the reach of many small internet businesses; however, a good alternative is to use Paypal to accept your credit card payments. The rise in the popularity of Paypal is partially due to eBay who purchased the company. It is slowly overtime becoming the payment system of choice for many.
All that is needed is a Paypal account to be created which is simple to use; many internet users prefer to use this system over others. The only way to keep customers is by supplying a safe online payment service for them to purchase your products or service; by ensuring your site is secure, your sales will increase and less potential customers will leave.
This means that the transaction is encrypted so that their information is not broadcast around the Internet for those who may take those numbers for their own use. Any website that accepts credit cards online will be a secure site with the first letters of the website address being https://, This provides peace of mind to the user, so if you do not have this facility your customers will go elsewhere. With internet fraud being one of the top concerns on the internet it is your responsibility to make your customers feel safe and secure when they place an order otherwise they will leave and order elsewhere.
Seeking assistance on ( procedure of applying credit card Visit us at
Article Source: PayPal - The Easy Credit Card Solution for Paying
Don't have a paypal account? Sign up for one now

Entertainment - Satellite TV
To Watch International Satellite TV Is Now Affordable
Davion Wong
Everybody knows that you can only watch international satellite TV if you pay lots of money. You have to have a monthly subscription, and on top of it you have to pay for each of the channels you want, or else for a bunch of channels offered as a package. This was not financially viable for a good number of people.
The solution is software that has been invented, which, once you download it onto your computer, lets you choose from so many channels, local and international, that you simply will not know where to begin. This is an easy and inexpensive way to watch international satellite TV.
If you choose a satellite TV provider, each international channel can cost you up to $30 every month. The software that you need to watch international satellite TV is only $50 or even less, and you will not have to pay for each channel after that. In fact, after this one payment, you need not pay anything at all. No more expenses at all.
This offer to watch international satellite TV is actually better than most of the packages offered by companies usually. These packages usually only have a very limited number of channels to choose from, if you are looking for international channels, especially. With most packages, you would have to settle for channels that you would not normally watch, if you had the choice. But with the Internet, you can have more choice than you have ever hoped for. You can find new channels you like, as well.
These channels that you particularly want to watch will rarely be among those offered by most satellite companies. With Internet satellite television, you will have such vast options that you will find the ones you are looking for, as well as many others that you will love.
Of course, you don't have to be of non-American origin to watch international satellite TV. Most people are curious to see a few exotic channels. After all, it is a splendid way to get to know other cultures without travelling all the way there. You might think that the language will be a barrier, but plenty of programs have English subtitles. Some channels even have English programs, as well. You can watch the controversial international channels you have heard of, like Al Jazeera, and keep in touch with international politics, as well.
Whether it is because you want to listen to your native language, or whether you are just curious and want to know, you can watch international satellite TV without having to pay too much.
Did you know that you can watch international satellite TV in a few minutes from now? See how you can do it at my entertainment blog now!
Discover how you can instantly ( watch satellite TV on computer without expensive monthly subscriptions. Also read another article on how to (,-TV-or-Cable-TV&id=490568) watch satellite TV on PC.
Article Source: To Watch International Satellite TV Is Now Affordable
Business - How to win the advertising and promotion game
I am certain that, as a business owner, you have often
entertained the question as to how much to spend and where to
spend your advertising dollars. For most small business owners,
these questions can add to the headaches suffered in the course
of normal everyday operations of their business.
The how much to spend and where to spend it questions have no
easy answers.
Depending on your type of business, many people suggest that the
*how much* should be equal to anywhere from 4% to 10% of your
gross receipts.
The quandary is that a business cannot survive without a fresh
flow of incoming customers. But, a business can seldom generate
a fresh stream of customers without spending money to get the
word out about their business.
Have you ever paid for advertising and sat back to await the
fresh flow of customers, only to find yourself sitting and
sitting and then sitting some more?
Don’t feel bad about that. It has happened to many of us before.
See, knowing where to spend the advertising money is not enough
to get the job done.
Where to spend the money only begins to highlight the other
issues connected with advertising:
· Marketing Plan · Advertising Strategy · Headlines, Ad Copy and
Visual Presentation · Tracking the Success of Your Advertising
The Marketing Plan is used primarily to identify your own
products and services, costs, strengths, weaknesses and the
strengths and weaknesses of your competitors.
To learn more about constructing your own marketing plan, visit
the Small Business Administration website for a comprehensive
study of the elements of a Marketing Plan:
It is important to understand what you expect to gain from your
Do you simply wish to get your name known so that when your
customer will need you, they will think of you first? Or, do you
wish to get your customers in your front door on Saturday?
Do you want your customers to come in and take a look around to
discover the next object that they cannot live without? Or, do
you want them to come in and buy a specific widget?
Do you hope that enough people will come in to buy enough
products or services to pay for your single ad? Or, do you
expect to gain a lifelong customer who will help pay for your
advertising over the course of several years?
When you know what you want, then you will better understand
just how to do it.
You might be surprised how many business owners put out
advertising without regard for the quality of the sales pitch or
presentation. The quality of your distribution outlet or the
amount of money you spent to get there will do little for you if
the advertising vehicle is a junker.
Test all of your advertising materials in smaller markets before
blowing your advertising bank roll on it. You must absolutely
know the value of your advertising before putting large sums of
money behind it.
Tell your customers to save another 10% when they tell you they
heard or saw your ad in such-and-such location. Suggest that
they can register to win a free widget if they fill out a form
and have them to tell you how they heard of your business.
Advertise a specific widget in your ad and track the sales of
that widget.
It does not matter how you track your advertising --- just make
sure you do it!
The ideal way to spend your advertising budget is to buy a rifle
with a high-powered scope and to only shoot your targets in the
light of day.
If you are not tracking your advertising, then you are shooting
a pellet gun without an attached scope, with blinders on, and
shooting in the dead darkness of night.
Even with a bigger gun, the blinders in the dark constitute the
single largest mistake made by advertisers. If you are unable to
track your advertising to learn what is working well, what is
working somewhat, and what is a money pit, then you are
condemned to repeat your mistakes over and again.
By relying only on gut instinct, you may be choosing to spend
more money in the money pit and to lose all of your money in the
When you get down to the nuts and bolts of making money from
your advertising, you should plan, prepare, track and study your
results. You must have factual information on which to base your
advertising decisions. When you are making the right advertising
decisions, then making money from your business might just come
Warm regards,
Buniei my home site
Article Source: How to win the advertising and promotion game
Business - 7 ways to get super adsense income
Let me before starting this topic tell you that I am not in the
top adsense earners or the so called 'premium publishers', but i
do have a decent income from google adsense program. Its very
simple to earn good money from this program. Your 15 year old
kids are earning 2000$ monthly from it, so why cant you.
Its a myth that to you got to know all the technical stuff and
should be a programming guru to earn off that much from google
adsense. Its totally unrealistic, but all the premium publisher
or atleast most of them are general site owners with basic or
amatuer knowledge to technology. This is the real thing.
So you must be wondering what seperates them from us, why do
earn so huge amount of money while we just sit wondering what
should be done to get to that point.
>From my point of view, i would suggest the following golden 7
steps to ensure such fat income :
1. To start off, Google Adsense business should be treated as
importantly as other businesses. Its totally unethical to call
it as residual income. If you consider it as residual then you
should not expect big cheques from it.
2. Secondly, track you improvements, changes in ad positioning,
whats working and whats not. From today, track all the changes
you do and their impacts, its the basic common mistake that we
make, not tracking the changes we make. This helps in analysing
few things which works for us and which do not. Repeat the
things next time you go about making a new site and stay away
from the things which didnt work this time. It helps in avoiding
mistakes we make again and again.
3. The main thing this premium publisher do, is take up some
broad niche and then divide them into sub niches, each having
its individual sites. For eg, Sports, Cricket, Indian Cricket,
Sachin Tendulkar, Fan sites. They use specific automated site
building tools to make up their instant niche sites. This
automated tools are their main secret weapons of mass
4. Once you have exhausted making the 'n' no. of niche sites
from the same niche, provide backlinks, links from each niche
site to other one, and from each page to related page in other
5. Now, designing your site requires one main point to be
covered, make it very easy to browse as well as simple on the
looks. Remember your main aim is to have click through on
adsense rather then distracting your viewer to other things.
Here the mantra is to 'Tell' not 'Sell' like any
e-commerce site which will have emphasis on its product and will
guide the viewer to their products. So make an informative site
with enough content which will have adsense related matter.
6. Now comes the main part, the exposure of your sites, its easy
and should be a gradual but steady process, make links from
other related to yours, provide interlinking to your various
related sites, make sitemap of each site and submit it to
google, submit your sites to various directories like Indexrated & Sc2 Link Directory. This should
provide you steady and good traffic. In 2-4 months, you would be
having enough traffic to have good amount of click-throughs.
7. After doing the tough part, you got to have patience on your
part. Nobody and i mean nobody can earn 100$ on 1 day itself,
wait for few months and you would be on your way to premium
publisher. If you still want to earn more, repeat this steps
with different niche and double your earnings.
This way, has been tried and tested by my friend and i have
posted this article after interviewing him. His earnings
averaged 10k $/month in past 6 months.Now that must be good
enough for you, probably :)
Any comments would be highly appreciated.
Web Artist.
Article Source: 7 ways to get super adsense income - Tried and Tested
Thursday, November 27, 2008
Automobiles - Cars
Reasons for Buying a Car
Besides the obvious reason, transportation, are there any other
pressing reasons for buying a car? Perhaps it is a necessity
like requiring inexpensive transportation to and from work. Or,
maybe you are a "stay at home" Mom or Dad and need a vehicle to
haul children around to school and various other activities.
Regardless of your reason, make certain that purchasing the car
is for a valid purpose and not just because you want to outdo
"The Joneses."
In this guide we will show you some of the pitfalls to avoid as
well as information to make your selection much easier. The
following are basic reasons you should consider when making that
all important car purchase. Is it a good buy?
The best time period to buy that car you have always dreamed of
having is later in the month. Usually, there are numerous rebate
programs and bonus offered by month's end based on a dealer's
monthly sales quotas. The idea is that, sometimes dealers fall
short of meeting their sales objectives. If their performance is
assessed by the end of the month this can prove to be good news
to most car buyers since dealers now have no choice but to sell
vehicles at a price that is lower than their norm. They are
pressed to make more sales that will count for their monthly
sales and that puts you at an advantage as a buyer.
Peace of mind
Sometimes dealers do a song and dance routine just to make that
sale. The result is that often car buyers end up with car
features they realize later on they do not really need and a
price they actually could not afford. You can avoid this
potential stress by always remembering to trust your instincts.
If ever you feel in doubt, the answer -- don't -- do not let
yourself be pressured to making that purchase now.
This is a common strategy of car dealers wherein they compel the
customer to buy that car, now, this moment, today!
Do not forget that you should always sleep on it and then
decide. This is a lot better than making your mind up now and
forever holding your peace.
First Impression
To quote a common cliché, first impressions usually last. Though
not always true, when buying cars, you could get many ideas just
by observing how car sales people deal with you. Usually, these
non-verbal signals are fairly correct enough enabling you to
know what to expect from your car purchase.
If at any time you feel that the person selling you the car is
not trustworthy or simply do not like him or her, always
remember that you have the option to leave. It is advisable that
you do not sell yourself too much. Time is precious, especially
yours. So do not waste it. You are always free to politely walk
away, anytime, anywhere, and in any way you like it. But if
there are not many car dealers in your area, you may want to
linger for a few moments more and wait until the negotiations
you have with your dealer breaks down and you simply have no
option but to run off.
The Invoice Price
Another thing to consider when buying a car is the invoice
price. Make sure to ask that you see the invoice. If dealers are
working their tails off against it, you have enough reason to
believe that the car being offered is an unpleasant deal.
Usually, the price on the invoice is the cost the dealer paid
the manufacturer for buying the car. This is before any rebates
or incentives were included. Once this is known, only then will
you have an idea as to how much the dealer could profit from
each vehicle sold. Knowing this information could enable one to
be more confident then in negotiating the price.
The Manufacturer's Suggested Retail Price
In layman's term, this is commonly called the sticker price.
This is the price one usually sees in the window of the car that
is being sold.
Never ever consider paying the amount stated on the sticker
price. This amount is just the starting point to your
negotiations with the dealer.
There are instances when manufacturers provide the dealers with
a little something extra, like money, rebates or a bonus because
they are able to sell cars that are either overstocked or
undersold. Make sure that before actually purchasing a car, you
were able to know if that car you are buying has some dealer
incentives attached to it. If so, take off that amount from the
car's purchase price and have yourself a very good deal and
hopefully, a very good car as well.
Article Source: Know Your Reasons For Buying A Car
Finance - Forex Trading for Beginners
One can learn forex trading as easily as one would like to learn other subjects or train in other professions. The criteria for learning forex trading is an analytical / logical bent of mind and some number crunching abilities. Reading specialized books on the subject matter, enrolling for college and other programs, which specifically teach one to do forex dealing, one can understand Forex trading. Still other ways are through the Internet and training under a forex dealer / professional. Essentially the forex market comprises of currencies, which are bought and sold according to certain parameters.
There are major currencies in the market, which are trade and are the most liquid. These are US Dollar, Japanese Yen, Euro, British Pound, Swiss Franc, Canadian Dollar and Australian Dollar. Then there are other currencies, which are not so liquid. However currency trade is done in almost all currencies across the world. The forex market is truly a twenty-four market with only a minor break during the weekend. It opens in Sydney, then in Tokyo and then in London and New York in that order according to the way that the Earth rotates and the sun rises. Therefore forex brokers and investors can choose their time of operation.
Essentially it's a matter of selling and buying the currencies. The goal is very simple, that of making a profit in the currency transactions that you participate in. The currency market operates like most other markets and therefore for many traders 'migrating ' form other trades such as stock market can be quite simple.
Essentially one can learn forex transactions by creating a virtual account. The first lesson is that currency trade is done in pairs only like Euros / US$, Japanese Yen/ Canadian Dollars etc. When you have set up a virtual account with the amount of initial investment, keep the following pointers in mind
· According to your investment strategy and time frame, choose the currency pair best suited to your needs. Some currency pairs can be very aggressive and the changes can be quite volatile. While others may not show any movement. Therefore choose the currency pair with care.
· Decide the time frame. Do you want to spend a few minutes on the forex trade or you want to go the whole hog and devote the entire week to the forex trade (swing trade)
· Have an exit plan ready before you start the currency transactions. Know when to place your 'stops' and do so accordingly.
· No risk no gain. Be willing to take risk. You can take calculated risks in order to earn good profits. Know whether you want to be an aggressive trader or are you happy being a safe trader.
· Read and analyze the news and the technical data that is generated on the currencies that you deal in to understand the market conditions better.
Of course you can grasp the modus operandi of the forex trade. But for doing the real thing, you need to be in the forex transaction market for real.
One can learn forex trading as easily as one would like to learn other subjects or train in other professions. For in depth information visit
Article Source: Learn Forex Trading - a Guide for Beginners
Entertainment - Movies
No matter what type of movie you enjoy - comedy, drama,
horror, romance, science fiction, or independent film -
movies are a great source of entertainment for you and
your family. A great movie can bring out all types of
emotions - laughter, sorrow, thoughtfulness - and can
even make us think about our own lives.
There are a lot of people who rate watching movies as one
of their favorite activities, especially if their favorite
actor is featured in the film. In fact, with the advent of
video and DVD, many people watch their favorite films over
and over again. For many, a favorite movie can be a great
source of comfort and joy and something they can share with
friends and family.
And now, across the Internet, there are literally thousands
of full-length movies available for download. You can even
download movies that are still being shown in theaters or
have just been released on video and DVD. And with a good
broadband Internet connection, you can download any movie
in as little as an hour. And these downloaded movies are
of DVD quality, and can be seen immediately on your PC.
With downloaded movies, you can enjoy the latest movies at
great picture quality no matter where in the world you are
located. As long as you have a fast Internet connection,
the world of movies is at your fingertips.
There are many advantages and benefits to downloading
movies. First of all, downloading movies is cost effective,
downloading movies is easy to do, and you can create your
own library of all your favorite movies. You can gain access
to an unlimited amount of movies including hard to find
movies and all the old classics. The process of downloading
movies is exceptionally easy and all you need is the
necessary technical requirements and a little patience in
order to successfully download movies.
When downloading movies from the Internet your best bet is
to do it from a legal source. Downloading speeds are much
faster when you are downloading from a legal movie site.
This is because legal movie sites do not rely on the speed
of other users, they are dependent on large server networks
throughout the world. This way you can also ensure quality
pictures, secure files, you can avoid viruses, and it is
completely legal. If you have a broadband connection, you
can download and start watching movies as soon as they
Pedro Pellicola is a contributing author of
He is owner and webmaster of Byte Movie, a leading Internet portal for movie information. For more movie
information and resources, please stop by:
Article Source: Download Movies From The Internet
Computer - Window Registry
Cleaning your Computer?s Registry for Improved Performance
Ron Cripps
This has been written to give the average computer user the information needed to optimize and maintain there computer registry. Your windows registry is an essential part of your computer so it needs to be looked after I hope this helps.
Invalid registry keys are the major cause of computer errors, crashes and slow downs. Invalid registry keys are usually want is left behind from a program that has been uninstalled from your computer. You need to repair these registry entries to ensure a smooth running computer as leaving them can lead to many problems.
Computer Systems such as Windows XP and Windows Vista possess a Registry Editor tool that you can use to view the registry files, and if you like you can conduct a few registry edits, but remember always backup the registry before making any changes. With that in mind, this mechanism is not equipped with options that you can use to perform a thorough system scan or repair of the registry. For that you will require a registry cleaning tool to do the work for you such as regcure, registry fix, registry smart, there are many options available to you and most of these programs have a free trial download.
Windows XP and Windows Vista have very notable characteristics when it comes to programs. If you are attempting to clean and maintain your own computer registry please be aware that this can be extremely dangerous to the unwary user. Your Registry files are extremely important for the trouble free operation of your windows system. In saying this if you happen to delete the wrong entry you could possibly slow or worse still crash your system.
Installing new software or hardware on your Windows Xp or Vista computer system is more complex than you are lead to believe. Every function of the install or un-install is logged in the computer registry. Overtime the registry can become full of obsolete files and this happens whether you have followed the correct un-install or install directions it is unfortunately unavoidable.
An unmaintained registry is likely to cause problems and crashes if left unchecked. It is vital that you clean your registry of any obsolete or cross linked files to ensure system stability and reliability.
Removing and installing programs can cause corrupt entries in your computers registry. This can in effect degrade the overall running of your computer which could lead to your computer failing to start altogether. If you have not done so already it would be a good idea to consider cleaning your computer registry to stop any further or future problems developing.
It is vital for you to maintain your computer registry, it is not a difficult procedure as long as you are extremely careful when removing any entries. Once you have removed a registry entry it is permanent and can not be undone. If you happen to delete a registry file that is needed it could stop your computer from running, so make a backup of all your files befor attempting anything like this.
If you are confident enough to edit your registry then here is how you can access it by clicking on the Start then Run and typing in Regedit.Open the Registry Editor and click on the My Computer icon in the left-hand panel. Click Edit and Find. Type in the word that has some reference to the program you are searching for to be certain is removed from your registry.
There is another way to increase your system performance with having to use the Registry editor. You can access a program called MSCONFIG by going to start then to run and typing in "msconfig" this will open a new window on your desktop where you can click the startup tab to view all programs that have loaded during startup. Remember all of these programs are using up valuable resources on your PC. You can if you know what you are doing uncheck these programs to improve system performance.
The registry is critical for your Windows operating system. Regular registry maintenance helps you avoid PC errors and also enables you to ensure optimal PC performance. Always use the windows uninstall option all the program uninstall options to remove programs you no longer need Do Not Just the delete the Icon and the Program Folder as this will leave behind many files that will over time slow your computer through an overloaded computer registry
Ready to optimize your registry? Don?t be scammed by untrue claims -check out our independent reviews on Registry Scanners here is one on ( Regcure. Ron manages a site on ( Adware and has written many articles and reports.
Article Source: Cleaning your Computer?s Registry for Improved Performance